
Showing posts from 2013

The moment I stopped being stubborn and allowed God to use me...this time i didn't kick and scream

As this journey continues, I have decided that I wanted to buy the Bio mom to our foster babies a bible because well as a Christain I know it would help. When I decided that I was going to do this was mother's day and during this time was, well, let's just say a rough patch for the Bio mom and I. You know, we are still figuring out our relationship as well and our boundaries with each other(which can be REALLY awkward). So basically my heart was honestly in a bitter place for the Bio mom and I stopped praying for her(i know i know...wrong heart, but I am learning through all of this). I gradually came back to the soft place again and I am aware of how I need to handle things( not that I wont ever mess up again). So here I am again back where I began(i do that a lot). I was at visitation with the Bio mom last week and she asked about God and how she was seeking for help and she just needed direction. Every hair on my head stood up as if they all knew the answer and were raising ...


Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.   Psalm 82:3-4 So often in my busy day do I remind myself of this verse above. It's been almost a month since we got the twins. To say it's been hard is an understatement, but at the same time as I reflect on the past and it doesn't seem so difficult(if that makes since). I know that God has called us to help these girls and fight for their future, but actually living it out with 4 children 5 and under has been...interesting. I am finding out how to be a mom to my children and give them plenty of time and attention as well as the love and tenderness our twins need. You see, we do not know if we will have these children as our own. The bio mom wants them back and is doing everything to get them back. Before all this started Jason and I agreed that we would put our hopes and fears into Christ. It has been hard because...

Diving in

So we have determined at the TDM that the twins will be going with us because we are a NREFM(non related extended family member). It basically means we are friends of the family and that we are the closest to the twins' family without actually being their family. It has been a load of stress of uncertainty if we are getting the babies in our custody or not. With the addition of two beautiful girls coming to our house, we also are going on vacation(just my husband and I cuz nana and paps have our other 2 kids) to St. Martin. I think even though it's an added stress to get everything done asap it's good because now we can relax and enjoy our time together before our lives are turned around with two blessings in addition to our own blessings. I was washing baby clothes and pretty much everything last night and putting it all away and it hit me that we are getting babies. Now our twins who we are fostering are only a month old. I have never had twins. I am a little nervous, b...

The road of difficulty leads to success

"Every time we treat someone like they are ordinary we turn the wine back to water." -Bob Goff I have struggled with God's purpose in my life for many years now. I have wanted to be a surrogate, lead children and try and help out in a big way. I feel like just when I get going at something God shuts all the doors to the things I was pursuing. Honestly, it has been frustrating at the least and has lead me to believe that maybe God just wants simple things out of me..but I know that couldn't be true(aparently I don't take no for an answer..). I know that I am a mother and a wife, but my greatest roll is a daughter of God and that role above all else just didn't seem enough. I have prayed for many years about God using me in a big way and that I would be ready. I've had such a desire to help children. Surrogate, Birth Choice, children's ministry..I've always wanted to adopt, but my husband has always had a struggle with it. He didn't understand...

God is bigger than the times we fail

I refreshed my blog and instead on focusing on the hardships of surrogacy(which I feel God has led me away from that for now), I am focusing on my life right now. Not one specific thing, but everything. I absolutely love to write. I have always journaled and truly enjoy the time that I allow myself to be truly transparent. So it is my goal not to be fake, but to allow true Chantel to shine through.