Diving in

So we have determined at the TDM that the twins will be going with us because we are a NREFM(non related extended family member). It basically means we are friends of the family and that we are the closest to the twins' family without actually being their family. It has been a load of stress of uncertainty if we are getting the babies in our custody or not.
With the addition of two beautiful girls coming to our house, we also are going on vacation(just my husband and I cuz nana and paps have our other 2 kids) to St. Martin. I think even though it's an added stress to get everything done asap it's good because now we can relax and enjoy our time together before our lives are turned around with two blessings in addition to our own blessings.
I was washing baby clothes and pretty much everything last night and putting it all away and it hit me that we are getting babies. Now our twins who we are fostering are only a month old. I have never had twins. I am a little nervous, but I know what I can handle and I know that God has prepared me with a lot of overwhelming situations this last year and even though this is a different situation I still believe that God will give me all the strength I need to take care of and inspire these children as well as my own. This all started because I am so tired of telling people that I am a christian and not acting totally sold out for Christ. Daily devos and prayers and being around other Christians doesn't cut it for me. I feel like God has been trying to push me into this pool of a life lived out for Him and I have been struggling of when to stop pushing back at Him and just jump in head first with Him. I know for certain that I am hear to inspire and to encourage and most importantly to point everything I do back to Jesus.
I know our family is going to hit some bumps in the road but I truly feel like those bumps will and have only brought us together because we have leaned on Christ alone to pick us all back up and keep going. Pain is apart of life. You have to be careful to not pray for pain in your life or the lives of others because that's when we learn and flourish. God uses those moments to mold us.
Anyhow, I will be encouraging you to seek out the life that God truly wants for you and live out love and your faith. I know it's going to be worth all the struggle and the stress that my family and I endure, but I am certain I am do anything with Christ who gives me strength.

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