
Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.   Psalm 82:3-4

So often in my busy day do I remind myself of this verse above. It's been almost a month since we got the twins. To say it's been hard is an understatement, but at the same time as I reflect on the past and it doesn't seem so difficult(if that makes since). I know that God has called us to help these girls and fight for their future, but actually living it out with 4 children 5 and under has been...interesting. I am finding out how to be a mom to my children and give them plenty of time and attention as well as the love and tenderness our twins need. You see, we do not know if we will have these children as our own. The bio mom wants them back and is doing everything to get them back. Before all this started Jason and I agreed that we would put our hopes and fears into Christ. It has been hard because you devote all this time and effort into these children without knowing they will be yours at the end. I know that God placed these children in our lives for a reason. I also know that during all of this I get to sit with the bio mom 2 times a week for visitation and during that time I get to talk to her and encourage her and hopefully soon...pray with her...I plan on getting her a bible and journal for mothers day and encouraging her to read through some hilighted areas..I really have had some difficulty with the unknown because as I like to plan out my days and my life and make sure that all my ducks are in a row... this whole process has just swiped all that away and makes anxious,but I pray a lot. One thing I love about this whole process is that I get to see my children love on these girls. They sing to them and get so excited everyday to see them and make them laugh. It is great to remind them to live a brave life for Christ and to show love to others. Even though I am the adult, I learn so much from my children.

So Jason and I are doing well. Even though we have gone from 2 to 4 kids in less than a month, things are great. Please pray for us and God's direction in all of this. We as Christians forget that God calls us to live out our lives for Him and to be fearless. Fear holds us back from so much. If  Jason and I were honest with you, we struggle with fear and the unknown, but we always go back to the fact that God has paved the way and that He has everything in His hands. I encourage you to live a life without fear. If I believed that small voice that said I wasn't good enough to be a foster mom then God would have never been able to use me. What are you fearing and what is holding you back to living out a life that is bold?

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