The road of difficulty leads to success

"Every time we treat someone like they are ordinary we turn the wine back to water." -Bob Goff

I have struggled with God's purpose in my life for many years now. I have wanted to be a surrogate, lead children and try and help out in a big way. I feel like just when I get going at something God shuts all the doors to the things I was pursuing. Honestly, it has been frustrating at the least and has lead me to believe that maybe God just wants simple things out of me..but I know that couldn't be true(aparently I don't take no for an answer..). I know that I am a mother and a wife, but my greatest roll is a daughter of God and that role above all else just didn't seem enough.
I have prayed for many years about God using me in a big way and that I would be ready. I've had such a desire to help children. Surrogate, Birth Choice, children's ministry..I've always wanted to adopt, but my husband has always had a struggle with it. He didn't understand how he could love a child as his own..then we got a phone call a week ago. A friend of the family was in contact with me about her daughter who was pregnant with twins which was due any day and not sure if she would be able to handle these children. The daughter has not made good choices and has let drugs lead her life. I don't want to get into her and her choices because this is not a blog about what she did wrong, but what God is doing right! So now Jason and I are considered a NREFM..non related extended family memeber. So far we don't have the twin girls who are just over a week old , but after the TDM(the meeting to place the children with us) we will. So, you might be thinking about Jason and his feelings about all this....God spoke to Jason's heart and without me nagging(miracle in itself)! He came home after the breif update on what is happening and said he wants them. I just started crying. Now we are cautiously excited. We know that they aren't ours yet, but the family wants us to have them. Here we are..I feel like David against Goliath..He was prepared and knew that God was on his side, but still a bit nervous. God is speaking to me saying "This is it my daughter..." Now we wait and begin to prepare.

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