As this journey continues, I have decided that I wanted to buy the Bio mom to our foster babies a bible because well as a Christain I know it would help. When I decided that I was going to do this was mother's day and during this time was, well, let's just say a rough patch for the Bio mom and I. You know, we are still figuring out our relationship as well and our boundaries with each other(which can be REALLY awkward). So basically my heart was honestly in a bitter place for the Bio mom and I stopped praying for her(i know i know...wrong heart, but I am learning through all of this). I gradually came back to the soft place again and I am aware of how I need to handle things( not that I wont ever mess up again). So here I am again back where I began(i do that a lot). I was at visitation with the Bio mom last week and she asked about God and how she was seeking for help and she just needed direction. Every hair on my head stood up as if they all knew the answer and were raising ...