
Showing posts from 2019

Finding JOY in my Journey

Have you all seen those shirts that say, "Not today Satan!"???? I have and I love it. I need a shirt like that on the daily!! Don't ya'll feel like there is so much to pull us down and steal our joy these days? It's nice to call Satan out like that! Sometimes though, if we are REAL HONEST, we can just hand out a bit of joy a little at a time. Getting the kids to school..on time... here ya go... Going back home because someone forgot something..then back to school... here is a whole lot more... the old lady doing 20 mph in the fast lane keep it together.... the guy or gal at work that dances on your last nerve EVERYTIME you talk.  Lord bless that sinner.. the dog poos on the floor and the rumba runs through it and it is everywhere...(this has happened to me) That's it!!!  Here's the great thing, NOTHING can steal the joy away from you that Christ has given. NOTHING!! All these circumstances above are NOT joy. This is your hap...

The cry of a shattered heart

Is it possible to feel like you don't belong? Not just in one spot but in life in general. I've tried my entire life to fit in. I wanted to fit in with others in school and then as an adult. I desire community and longing to belong. This last year has shaken me to my core. As my family and I left California for a grand adventure to Tennessee, my core as I knew it crumbled. Everything that I defined myself as, shattered. After 18 years of marriage my brother chose to divorce his wife. A mid-life crisis doesn't even come close to what is happening in his heart or to our family. Broken, torn and devastated is what was left as he walked away from his marriage. My family was falling apart in California as my immediate family and I were starting all over again. Everything I was, would never be the same again.  I was not ready for this part. I wasn't ready for the dream I had built up in my mind to come crashing down. I can could not physically be there for my parents or for m...